ok i hate the musical episode like it makes no sense and everything is just so awkward!! i also don’t get how the black hood is bettys dad like what is his motive in threatening his daughter into being a criminal. i’m pretty sure all the parents want the best for their children but this is riverdale and everything is so out of the normal line.
季初就看到续订第七季的消息简直喜大普奔季终的一句“We're much better than partners. We're two people who love each other.” 潸然泪下we know, we always know. 结尾的编写确实没想到Captain的人设崩坏米福花生在贝克街重生下一季是打算完全在伦敦破案么不再回美国了马库斯和Captain就不再出演了本以为会以温馨告别的方式退出拍摄但如果以这样崩坏的设定离开多多少少还是不忍心不知下一季编剧如何处理这些事了敬请期待