People can really change one another.原著结尾的一句话很好地概括了整个故事两个孤独没有安全感的人经历了无数波折看尽了对方最不堪最脆弱的内心在互相鼓励和帮助之下让对方成为一个更好的人最终Connell说I'll goMarianne说I'll stay即使不在一起他们依然是这个世界上最爱对方的人真正相爱的人才懂得放手和成全Daisy和Paul实在演得太好了两个太有灵气的演员前途无限
已阅"the dinner guests represent the ruling class in Franco's Spain. Having set a banquet table for themselves by defeating the workers in the Spanish Civil War, they sit down for a feast, only to find it never ends. They're trapped in their own bourgeois cul-de-sac." (Roger Ebert)