1.The woman who disappeared✅ 2.The woman who ate photographs; 3.The woman who was kept on a shelf✅ 4.The woman who found bite marks on her skin; 5.The woman who was fed by a duck✅ 6.The woman who solved her own murder✅ 7.The woman who returned her husband✅ 8.The girl who loved horses✅
When the horizon's at the bottom, it's interesting. When the horizon's at the top, it's interesting. When the horizon's in the middle, it's boring as shit. Now, good luck to you. And get the fuck out of my office!
到imdb看了一眼蝎子 电影发现喜好区分非常明显个人而言非常爱有人觉得unlikable characters 无法忍受id like to say i love them to be unlikable fuckedup but real.
很现实就像结局所说蝎子 电影是个real love story事实也正是没有太多修饰的话整个故事好像几个emoji图就能概括清楚了但是看完以后就特别难受又回去看了一眼小胖子(主角小时候)最后一个场景定格在他回家想找妈妈一起看肥皂剧结果没找到他等不及了就自己看了起来那种感觉就像是:他还是个不懂生离死别的小孩子即便妈妈已经去世了他也不太懂其中的含义…好像还是肥皂剧重要…但是隔了好久等他慢慢长大了却无数次怀念和妈妈一起看剧的那一刻无比想回到那时刻