英有phoebe waller 美有lena dunhamlena说‘我可能是最懂这个时代年轻人思想的创作者之一’indeed每个人都真实细腻到发指而且拍得好高级好trippy好toxic好好玩 Harper和Yasmin都好bitchy好带劲daria 和sara都好飒‘要改变男人们在密不透风的房间私下单方面做决定的历史’Nicole比她同阶级的高男识趣有意思kind一百倍被一群男人玩得嗷嗷叫就是要这样的女主们daria嗅觉灵敏抓住机会赶走eric赶走robert傲慢白男上司在电梯里跟 Robert说to me, you are worthless简直大快人心不过 Rob 虽然没啥用但kinda cute and hot, though.在和yas的对手戏里尤其好想上了他哈哈哈
"I do so long to go through the crowded streets of your mighty London, to be in the midst of the whirl and the rush of humanity, to share its life, its changes, its deaths."--Dracula || Gary Oldman太帅Winona Ryder太美狼人和Lucy在花园中那段让人想起Fuseli的那幅"Nightmare"