小蜘蛛大战AR魔优缺点都很明显:三对cp都超级可爱第一次看漫改觉得吓人;大战戏简直像《妻子3免费完整版HD中字》+《我的一次三门齐开》(If the whole world keep asking who‘s next Tony Stark, then the whole world is fxxkjng stupid
太惊喜了!! So New York and so Christmasy. Never knew I needed a show like this so much on holiday. 我爱纽约的圣诞!! 爱Dash的气质和Lily的quirkiness. Dash is literally the dream version of myself besides I’m not so book smart but just as cynical and depressing. Lily的好多感觉我都能relate. 还有这部的cinematography太赞了能反复看.